Saturday, August 23, 2008

Do it now or regret !

Sometimes life offers you a unique moment to be able to, give, receive, speak, listen, share, enjoy, regret, forgive and just about any other emotion or actions, which due to overbearing pressures of time and attention, you let it pass by. As we all know that unique moment will never ever come back to you again. It might return but with a different force, importance or in a different situation, but that unique moment is lost. Therefore postponing things, which you can do right now, seems so fragile. Each breath of life is unique in its opportunity and its importance. How many times have we wished, "I shouldn't have said this to him" or
"I wish i could have completed that task yesterday" et all...But the sad part is, regrets don't change the facts, that you have missed that moment. I don't want to sound too gyani on this..! Iam the biggest procrastinator in town..! But iam going to change that..right here and now..!

Have Faith ; Rewards will follow...

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