Monday, July 7, 2008

To the World unpopulated by Advertising bytes

Excuse me...But i guess it must be the last bottle of beer, which is making me do this..(hic !)An idiotic list, created in stupor, about a list of uncluttered media /advertising space available for clients at dirt cheap rates (Iam sounding like a....yes i got it ! A fruit vendor)..Here the way all of them have, well not a sizeable audience, but very potent and rich ones...!
1. FM Rainbow and Gold of AIR
2. Aastha - spiritual channel (and mutitudes of them)
3. Meru private Cabs (private plush taxis...ferrying harried/busy execs)
4. World Movies (UTV)
5. Linkedin and other Social Networking groupsGroups
6. And finally our good old Doordarshan..(News, Sports, National, Regional...the whole lot)

It's a pleassure to watch, browse, hear and travel without any commercial breaks...!
But these guys are the time we finished reading thru this, someone has already googled for the DD Ad Sales team contacts in Ahmedabad kendra..
Good night..

Have Faith ; Rewards will follow...

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