Sunday, May 18, 2008

12.45pm on a Saturday

Saturday nights, which are known to be the party, unwinding and, euphemistically, known as the 'letting-your-hair-down-days', finds me in front of my PC trying to write a deep philosophical thought..some semblance to close the week, with a provoking thought...! I can't think of anything worthwhile. Just another week (!)
All i could remember about the week was hot ! hotter ! and hottest ! (climatically speaking)..Also the year end appraisals / evaluations got done. Come to think of it, it must have added to the rather warm climate..!
My daughter is still away in vacation, will be back next week on 20th May. Really looking forward to meeting up with her...! She has never left us for such a long time, in all of her 7 years. Waiting for my baby to come back home, to me. I know the next 10 days will be filled with her recounting the magical month she spent with her cousins in Chennai. The swimming lessons, the Zoo and the Planeteurium visits, long drives in the Old Mahabalipuram roads, numerous ice creams to quench the Chennai heat...! Iam really looking forward to her stories. How times change..! Couple of years back, i was the one telling her stories of my long trips from home. This is complete role reversal. My daughter is growing...growing fast..!

Have Faith ; Rewards will follow...

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